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Council Scum DVDR (NC)

Studio: Triga
Prix spécial 19,75 € Prix normal 34,75 €
En stock
SKU 12187D
Soap dodgin, tinnys and Freeview telly go hand in hand like a horse and cart especially when your a council flat bound piss poor dole robbin cunt! Filmed in Bermondsey South East London, these pillars of chav land UK are out for trouble! When one of fuckers chucks his can at the local estate caretaker he gets more than he bargained for - the big fat caretaker's knob right down the back of his gobby throat! With his mates bored sat watching the box it does not take em long to wonder where and what their missing mate is up to. Later another bunch of mates pop round to the council gaffe and when the telly fucks up! Two uniformed rough blokes come round to mend it and end up showing the lads something a lot more exciting than what's on the fucking box - a five-way gang bang. Triga British Born N Bred.
Ce DVD sera livré sans boîtier en plastique. Vous recevrez le disque et la jaquette.
La langue
Date de sortie
9 janv. 2017
90 Minutes