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Flip the Switch DOWNLOAD

24,75 €
En stock
SKU 02434M
Mickey has never shot BDSM themed porn before so this is going to be an exciting experience for us all, Mickey by far has a long trajectory, but anyones first time doing something is worth a special mention. Starting off he submits to Yah-Jil, our Spanish master who doesn't think twice about wrapping the boy to the chair before going hard on the boy with the whip. But not everything is going to be painful, except the electro perhaps, as Yah-Jil uses a masturbator on the boy to get him to cum before fucking the boys opened ass. Mickey mentioned he too want's to dominate a boy, and that is exactly what happens in the seccond scene where he's paired with Liam Stone, Staxus' exclusive twink, where the boy receives a hard flogging, before getting his brains fucked out by Mickey.
Timmy Treasure
La langue
Date de sortie
3 déc. 2019
97 Minutes