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Fuck-a-Hoodie: Extra Time DVDR (NC)

Studio: Triga
Prix spécial 19,75 € Prix normal 34,75 €
En stock
SKU 03697D
A completely new directors 3 hour edit of the movie that started a generation of British hoodie filth flicks Fuck A Hoodie-Reboot-Extra time. Breaking News! Hoodies who vandalised a local youth club were yesterday nicked and forced to fuck each other in radical new moves introduced by the Home Office. The 3 tear-away who were spotted on CCTV spray painting the local council offices at 4 in the morning were promptly arrested by police. Camera operators rang the local bobbies and within 30 minutes the troublesome gang were taken to an unknown address and made to sort each other out! Hot spunk sprayed and arses were plunged as this group of nutters were forced to eat cock, fuck each other hard also get a seeing to from another local bunch of lads! CCTV supervisor Tommy Carter said: They didnt not look happy as the other local gang fucked em rotten in front of their mates. It was fuckin horny though" Not fazed by their ordeal the group of unruly street urchins wanted a rematch with the gang who shafted them and we ave caught it all on film!
Ce DVD sera livré sans boîtier en plastique. Vous recevrez le disque et la jaquette.
La langue
Date de sortie
19 juil. 2017
180 Minutes