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Perverted Summer House DOWNLOAD

24,75 €
En stock
SKU 02538M
Who wouldn't love to spend some of their summer holiday in a villa in Spain surrounded by the hottest twinks around? The first master to Arrive is Silas who doesn't take long to get into his role and have two boys worshiping his cock, but there is no pleasure without pain, and Silas knows that these boys have been astrayed for too long, so out comes the rope and the whip, to put these boys back where they belong before abusing their asses.

Of course in this house the language barrier is going to be an issue, but for Ron, who will be giving simple commands like, down, suck and moaning, his boy will understand. The understanding is such, that Ron finds out that this boy is able to take a fist without any hesitation, and of course that he'll have to put that to the test!

Timmy Treasure
La langue
Date de sortie
11 févr. 2020
81 Minutes